Dr Lucy Mercer-Mapstone
Executive Director
I bring my whole self to my work as a consultant leading Collective Voices Consulting. I have deep expertise in engagement, lived experience advocacy, human research, public speaking, facilitation, delivering professional development, and in equity diversity, and inclusion. I am a queer, disabled woman, and a victim-survivor of sexual assault. I have a long history of research, teaching, facilitation, and advocacy around all these lived experiences driving social, cultural, organisational, and legislative reform for a more inclusive society. I integrate my first-hand navigation of systems of privilege and oppression into my engagements, making them authentic, inclusive, and accessible.
My driving passion is for driving systemic change toward genuine equity. I have done this through a career shaped around amplifying the voices of those who experience oppression and supporting people to develop the skills for true inclusion. I bring a cross-sector perspective having worked and engaged across higher education, community, not-for-profit, corporate, and government sectors.
My philosophy is founded on a deep respect for diverse knowledges. I apply intersectional and social justice approaches in my practice which centres compassion, empathy, reflection, and critical analysis of power across all relationships and engagements. I situate learning in individual's own experiences and expertise and take a trauma-informed approach to understanding how people see and navigate the world.
Fundamentally, I curate processes which drive learning and innovative outcomes. I feel most alive when engaging with people—whether through unique co-design sessions, stakeholder workshops, interviews and focus groups, or when facilitating professional development opportunities. My knowledge and practices are diverse and transdisciplinary. I've never met a project, process, or project I couldn't take on, so if you've got something in mind - just ask!
I have an extensive research and publication record for which I have been awarded three fellowships and multiple grants, awards, and scholarships. I have published widely across audiences, and genres. I've run, facilitated, and delivered hundreds of workshops, panels, and keynotes internationally. I have led numerous cross-sector and interorganisational collaborations and change processes. I have run consultations at state, national, and international levels.
Governance Foundations for Not-for-Profit Directors, Australian Institute of Company Directors
Graduate Certificate (Tertiary Education),University of Sydney
PhD (Stakeholder Engagement), University of Queensland
Bachelor of Science (Honours), University of Queensland
Bachelor of Journalism & Communications, University of Queensland
Trauma-informed participatory community building
Think on Your Feet
Drivers of domestic and family violence
Leading with Authenticity Program
Women in STEM Leadership Summit
Change Management for Projects
Ally Training Program
Ability Awareness
Breaking the Binary
Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Learning to Lead
Vice President, Equality Tasmania​
Stakeholder Engagement & Policy Officer / Lived experience program coordinator, TasCOSS
Research Principal, University of Sydney
Social impact & evaluation specialist, University of Technology Sydney
Lecturer, University of Sydney & University of Technology Sydney
Endeavour Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Student-Staff Partnership Project Lead, University of Queensland
Media spokesperson & advisor, Equality Tasmania​
Research affiliate, University of Sydney
Community educator, A Fairer World